Getting started

This page will guide you through the installation process of a simple instance.


Be aware that this setup is useful in a development or demo environment, but should not be used as-is in production.


A Java 1.8+ Runtime Environment must be installed on your machine.

Ensure that the time of your machine is synchronized through NTP.

Installation Server installation

You just need to download the latest version and unzip the content on the filesystem.

Prepare the environment

Edit the configuration file identio.yml that can be found in the config directory and set the public hostname of your machine:

  basePublicUrl: http://<your_hostname>:10080

Declare a SAML client

Fetch the IDP metadata

The metadata of the Identity Provider can be fetched by accessing the URL http://<your_hostname>:10080/SAML2

Copy the Service Provider Metadata

To configure a Service Provider, just copy the metadata of your Service Provider in the config/trusted-sp folder. server periodically scans for new metadatas in this directory and will automatically load the file.

Declare a OAuth client and resource server

Configure the OAuth server

The configuration file oauth-actors.yml that can be found in the config directory is configured with a test client and a test resource server. Just edit the responseUri parameter of the client to match the callback url of your client.

Configure your client publishes the following endpoints for clients and resource servers:

  • /oauth/authorize: Authorization endpoint
  • /oauth/token: Token endpoint
  • /oauth/introspect: Introspection endpoint for resource servers

Start the server

On UNIX systems:

bin/identio-server --identio.config=config

On Windows systems:

bin/identio-server.bat --identio.config=config

This will start a HTTP server listening on port 10080.

Test the setup

Access your Service Provider or client application and you should be redirected to server. The sample configuration uses a local authentication file containing one test user. The login and password are johndoe / password.